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Season 2 - Banker Battle Royale: Treasure Island Hopping

Season 2 Pass Early Bird Sale is NOW Live! Save $7.50.  Season 2 Pass will be $15, now on sale for ONLY $7.50 (in BNB). 

Season 1 was thrilling. Season 2 Treasure Island-Hopping will be even more exciting! 4 Islands. 4 Games. Endless Adventure! Grab your Season 2 Pass now and save 50%

Season 2 Game 3: Satoshi's Skull Island

Satpshi's skull island

As our beaten and battered but ever reliable treasure island hopping ships approach our third leg of our journey we are startled at the frightening figure that greets us.

What the heck kind of being was attached to that gigantic skull that appears on this island as the mists part. 

Why it’s the skull of the infamous Satoshi Nakamoto, the inventor of Bitcoin and hence cryptocurrency.

Of course, only a brain the size of this skull could conceive of something so cool as crypto!

What’s even more odd is the tale that Satoshi exchanged all his Bitcoin for BNB and swapped them for a whole bunch of DBTCYOON Tokens and they’re buried here with I’d imagine the rest of his skeleton?

Season 2 Game 3* Satoshi’s Skull Island Game Card is now on sale in our Marketplace.

*Everyone needs to also own one Season 2 Pass to play Season 2 games.

VERY IMPORTANT: After you purchase your game cards you need to fill out the Satoshi’s Skull Island Registration form next.

Announcing Season 2 Game 2: Airdrop Island

airdrop island

Airdrop Island, a magical place where treasure rains down day and night and where magical creatures roam.

But beware, all is not as it seems. There is also evil on this island. Visitors are known to turn into gold dust if they get too greedy. And be careful not to pick up any of that gold dust or you too will be turned into dust!

Airdrop Island Has Ended.

Stay tuned for Season 2  Game 3!

Announcing Season 2 Game 1: Cryptophoria Island

cryptophoria island

As our Treasure Island-Hopping Ships approach, Cryptophoria Island appears calm and tranquil. A splendid beach, tropical birds, cute monkeys, pristine sands, sea shells and crystal clear waters.

However, we know this ultra beautiful and relaxing exterior hides something our crew and guests have sailed many miles to find: Buried TREASURE.

Hundreds of highly valuable DBTYCOON Tokens are buried somewhere on this island.

Join us as we hunt for the treasure where everyone gets a share of the loot.

Cryptophoria Island has ended.